Friday, November 30, 2007

Branding Blog: Brand Identity Guru

Brand Identity Guru Branding Blog is a branding blog dedicated to policing brands, employees and the internet. It’s a fun, witty look at the good, bad and the ugly of branding.

Brand Identity Guru has been around for almost 2 decades. The blogger is called Scott White and he is the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. He’s decided to throw his thoughts down on paper so to speak and talk about the real life branding experiences I have. Some are good, some not so good. But it’s his look at branding today. You can read how branding affects our daily lives.

Check out his personal bio here: Scott White

My advices to the blog:

1. Choose an independent and short domain. Now the domain is too long. It's not easy to remember.

2. The right readers bar is too close to the right side. I have to move mouse very carefully. Maybe move this spot to the down spot is a better choice.

3. When I open this blog, my Norton Antivirus warned me there is a virus comes up, that is really not good. I hope you can you check out your blog completely.

4. Maybe need a redesign, which can make pictures and letters more beautiful. Add popular posts zone or some thing like that.

Anyway, the content about branding is very worth to reading. 

Brand Identity Guru Blog:

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